Android platforms experience a great outbreak in the application amount. The ranking feature brings more competitiveness between performed applications. Developers are constantly in search for the new ways to promote and sell their creations. One of such methods is the review purchase for the appointed application. Developers know that positive feedback will surely have a desired impact on the app’s rating place and boost the number of installs.

There are numerous methods of gaining such achievements. There is a way to boost the app acceptance by paying some money so different people in order they rank your product from their original IP-addresses. There are services which offer for such purpose a large groups of users in order to get from them their positive feedback and grades.
Specifications of rating seller
It may be quiet useful to get insight into the review production process, especially before you apply any of such services. A respectable advertiser can sell your application with the implementation of the dependable instruments. Such attitude is a result of the gathering people who are Android users themselves and are interested in secure and fruitful results.
The app creators are free to select the source of the additional application rating, like from a specific territory or country, or from all over the globe.
Advantages of application ranking purchase
Both free and paid applications can be put on the upper rating level. You can exchange paid app’s CPD into additional rating mark for you other product. When you will buy application downloads, you can get a plus 5 or 4 stars as well and acquire more users within shorter period of time.
All you need to do is to create an order with the link of you app and the collaboration with the seller will start. Consult your provider in order to find and choose the required service, as it may be more difficult to do so than it may seem.
Last important tip
As you may already know, participation in app developing and releasing process is not a piece of cake. It may be frightening that you also need to spread it among worldwide audiences. Some latest studies reveal the fact that it is easier to share your app in the Android store, but it is more beneficial in the financial aspect to sell the application on Apple market. Currently more than a million applications are presented on the Apple store, so the competitive spirit there is pretty strong. It is hard to imagine that inadequately designed application with a bunch of errors and bugs can survive such a strong rivalry of the Android or iTunes stores, taking into account market growth strategies.